Wicklow Rovers AFC

Founded 1975

Co. Wicklow

Club Constitution



1.       Name:

The club shall be called Wicklow Rovers Amateur Football Club (The “Club”)


2.       Colours:

The colours of the club shall be green and white with a change strip of blue.

3.       Objectives/Aims:

 3.1   – to provide facilities and to promote the game of Association Football.

3.2   – to arrange football matches, provide training & opportunities for all of the playing members of the club and community participating in the game.

3.3   – to encourage the highest ethical standards. All individuals involved in the club shall conduct themselves with integrity, accountability and in a fair equitable manner.

3.4   – it is the stated policy of Wicklow Rovers Football club not to discriminate against any person/s or group on any grounds whatever, especially regarding their Colour, Age, Sex, Gender, Disability. Discriminatory action/behaviour of any kind will be dealt with by the Management Committee.


4.       Club Rules

The following rules (The “Club Rules”) form a binding agreement between each member of the club.

4.1   – the club shall have status as an Affiliated Member club of the Football Association of Ireland (the “FAI”)

4.2    - the club will abide by the FAI’s child protection policies and procedures, codes of conduct, concern/complaints policy and the equal opportunities and anti-discrimination policy as shall be in place from time to time.

4.3   The members of the club shall so exercise their rights, powers and duties and shall, where appropriate use their best endeavours to ensure that others conduct themselves and that the business and affairs of the club are carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Football Association of Ireland and any competitions in which the club participates, for the time being in force.


5.       Annual General Meeting(A.G.M.)

An Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) shall be held each year to:

1.       The AGM shall be held on the second (2nd) Monday of June.

2.       The Agenda shall be distributed to all members on the night of the A.G.M.

3.       The notice of intention to hold the A.G.M. shall be published in the local press at least 7 days before the closing date for receipt of motions

4.       Approve the Minutes of the Previous years A.G.M.

5.       Receive a report off the chairman and secretary of the club’s activities over the previous year

6.       Receive a report from the treasurer of the club’s finances over the previous year

7.       Appoint someone responsible for certifying the clubs accounts

8.       Elect Executive committee

9.       Nominations for election of members as club officers to the club secretary at least 21 days prior to the date of the A.G.M. by email only to Wicklowroverssecretary@hotmail.com. Each nomination must be proposed and seconded by a fully paid member and the member nominated for such position must indicate a willingness to accept the position if elected. All candidates must be 18 years or over at the date of the A.G.M. Persons seeking election must attend in person at the A.G.M. otherwise they cannot be considered for election to the executive committee.

10.   Review and consider any bye-laws **

11.   Changes to club rules **

12.   membership fees for the coming season/year as set out by the Committee

13.   Consider any other business

14.   The club secretary, or in their absence a member of the club committee, shall enter Minutes of Meeting into the Minute book of the club.

15.   ** Any item for decision at the A.G.M. shall be determined by a majority vote of the members present. The Quorum shall be two thirds.


6.       Extraordinary General Meetings (E.G.M.)

1.       An E.G.M. may be called at any time by the club committee and shall be called within 21 days of the receipt of an email to the Club Secretary (wicklowroverssecretary@hotmail.com) of a requisition in writing, signed by not less than five (5) fully paid members stating the purposes of which the meeting is required and the resolutions proposed.

2.       The request for the E.G.M. must also give in writing the motion that is to be placed before the members at the meeting.

3.       The secretary shall send to each member written notice of the date, together with the resolutions proposal at least 14 days before the meeting, either at:


(i)                  their last known address

(ii)                their last known email address

(iii)              text to their last known phone number

(iv)               social media platform (Whats app/Facebook)


4.       The chairperson, or in their absence a member selected by the club committee, shall take the chair. In the event of a tie the chairman of the meeting has a casting vote.

5.       Each fully paid member 18 years or older present at an E.G.M. shall have one vote.

6.       The Quorum for any item for decision at an E.G.M. shall be two thirds.

7.       The club secretary, or in their absence a member of the club committee, shall enter Minutes of Meeting into the Minute book of the club.


7.       Wicklow Rovers AFC Management Committee

Elected at the A.G.M. The management committee shall be responsible for the affairs of the whole club and should work closely with all sections of the club which include:

-          Football Administration

-          Finance & Fundraising

-          Grounds and Facilities

-          Marketing and Communication

The management committee will have meetings once a month with each of these sections. The management committee is also responsible for the future development of the club and has a responsibility to ensure that decisions taken at committee level are within the rules of the club and that such decisions are carried out.

For any queries from any player/manager two(2) committee members need to be contacted preferably by email to the club secretary email address @ wicklowroverssecretary@gmail.com


8.       Election of Club officers and Committee

8.1 - The club committee shall consist of the following:

-          Club Chairman

-          Club Vice Chairman

-          Club Secretary

-          Club Assistant Secretary

-          Club Treasurer

-          Club Assistant Treasurer

-          Club Communications Officer (P.R.O)

-          Club Membership Officer

-          Club Assistant Membership Officer

-          Finance/Fundraising Team

-          Up to 5 other members

8.2 - All club officers to be elected at the A.G.M.

8.3 – Each club officer/committee member shall hold office from the date of appointment for a minimum 2 year period or until the next A.G.M. unless otherwise resolved at an Extraordinary Meeting (E.G.M)

8.4 – The club committee shall be responsible for the management of all affairs of the club.

8.5 - Decisions of the club committee shall be made by a simple majority vote of those attending the club committee meeting. The chairperson of the club shall have the casting vote in the event of a tie. Meetings of the club committee shall be chaired by the Chairman or in his/her absence the Vice Chairman.

8.6 – The management committee can fill any club officer vacancies that may arise between A.G.M.’s. An outgoing member to the club committee may be re-elected. Any vacancy on the club committee, which arises between an Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) shall be filled by a member proposed by one and seconded by another of the remaining club committee members.

8.7 – Decisions of the club committee of meetings shall be entered into the minute book of the club to be maintained by the club secretary.

8.8 -  Any member of the club committee may call a meeting of the club committee by giving not less than seven days notice to all of the club committee.

8.9 – The club committee shall hold not less than twelve (12) meetings a year.

8.10 – Save as provided for in the rules and regulations of the FAI, and any applicable competition, the club committee shall have the power to decide all questions and disputes arising in respect of any issue concerning the club rules.

8.11 – Anyone serving as club secretary cannot serve as fixtures Secretary during that term.


9.       Club Membership

9.1   – Membership costs that are determined by the committee and be presented at the A.G.M. the committee will endeavour to set fee at a level that will not pose a significant obstacle to community

9.2   – No player can play or train with Wicklow Rovers A.F.C. unless their current membership fees are paid.

9.3   – all membership fees including adults/youths/schoolboys/girls are to be paid online via the online membership facility on the club website. Alternatively fees can be given to the club membership officer for lodgement to the club bank account.

9.4   -  A member must be over 18 years of age to have a vote at an A.G.M. or E.G.M. and can    only vote once all membership fees are paid. The votes of the members under 18 rests with the guardian/parent providing that member is fully paid up.

9.5   - The club secretary to keep a record of all members.

9.6   - Management/Committee of Wicklow Rovers A.F.C. have the right to refuse or terminate membership

9.7   – Resignation/Expulsion :

(i)                  A member shall cease to be a member of the club if, and from the date on which he/she gives notice to the club committee of his/her resignation.

(ii)                Wicklow Rovers currently participate in 3 football seasons. For seasons that run from March through to November, all membership fees must be paid in full by 30th April and for seasons starting in September through to May all fees must be paid by 31st October.

(iii)              For Ladies football (DWSL) seasons that run from April to October all fees must be paid by the 31st May.

(iv)               The club committee shall have the power to expel a member when, in its opinion, it would not be in the interest of the club for them to remain a member. An appeal against such a decision may be made to the club committee in accordance with the complaints procedure in force from time to time.

Election to membership shall be at the discretion of the club committee and granted in accordance with the anti-discrimination and equality policies, which are in place from time to time. An Appeal against refusal may be made to the club committee in accordance with the complaints procedure in force from time to time.

All members joining the club shall have deemed to accept the terms of this constitution and any bye laws from time to time adopted by the club, in particular without prejudice to the foregoing generality, the requirement to conduct themselves in accordance with the clubs ethical framework and the bye laws as to discipline set out therein.


10.   Club Finances

10.1           – a bank account shall be opened and maintained in the name of the club (The “Club Account”). Designated account signatories shall be the Club Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, and the vice Treasurer. No sum shall be drawn from the club account except by cheque signed by 2 of the 3 designated signatories(Cheques can only be signed at executive meetings or finance meetings) All monies payable to the club shall be received by the treasurer and deposited in the club account.

10.2           – The club property shall be applied only in furtherance of the objects of the club. The distribution of profits arising from the sale of club property to members is prohibited.

10.3           – The club committee shall have the power to authorise the payment of remuneration and expenses to any member of the club (Although the club shall not remunerate a member for playing or a person for managing) and to any other person or persons for services rendered to the club. All material jobs should be offered for tender as deemed by the committee.

10.4           – The club may provide sporting and related social facilities, sporting equipment, coaching, courses, insurance cover, medical treatment, away match expenses, post match refreshments and other ordinary benefits of an amateur sports club.

10.5           – The club may also in connection with the sports purposes of the club:

i)                    Sell and supply food and non alcoholic beverages and related sports clothing and equipment

ii)                  Employ members (although not for playing) and remunerate them for providing goods and services, on fair terms set by the club committee without the person concerned being present.

iii)                 The club pay for reasonable hospitality for visiting teams and officials.

iv)                 Indemnify club committee and members acting properly and exclusively in the course of the running of the club against any liability incurred in the proper running of the club but limited to its assets.

10.6           - The club shall keep accounting records for recording the fact and nature of all

Payments and receipts so as to disclose, with reasonable accuracy, at any time, the financial position, including the assets and liabilities of the club. The club must retain its accounting records for a minimum of 6 years. The accounts must be up to date and updated on a yearly basis by the club treasurer.

10.7           – The club treasurer to ensure that a detailed record and analysis is kept of all monies received and payments made.

10.8           – 4 (four) times each year the treasurer to give to the management committee the bank balance (after deducting un-cashed cheques) and amounts owing.

(four dates : 31st August, 31st October, 31st January, 30th April)

10.9           - – The club shall prepare an annual “Financial Statement”, which shall be verified by an independent, appropriately qualified accountant/public auditor and shall be approved by members at a general meeting.

10.10       – each year the income and expenditure account and balance sheet be presented to members at the A.G.M. by the club treasurer or by a person nominated by the management committee

10.11       The committee shall have “Power to Borrow”, for the purposes of the club, by way of overdraft, term loan, loan account, or otherwise, from the clubs bankers with interest in the category of the accommodation granted, such amount of money either at one time or from time to time as it may deem proper, such borrowings to be effected in the name of the trustees, and to give security for such borrowings and the interest thereon by the issue of bills of exchange, promissory notes or other obligations or securities of the club or by mortgage or charge upon all or any part of the property of the club and thereupon the trustees shall, at the direction of the committee make all such dispositions of the property of the club or any part thereof and enter into such agreements in relation thereto as the committee may deem proper for giving such security.


11.   Duties/Role of Committee:


11.1           – Chair committee meetings and the clubs A.G.M.

11.2           – Assist the secretary to produce the agenda’s for meetings

11.3           – Assist the committee in making decisions for the benefit of the whole club,         including disciplinary matters and strategic planning

11.4           -  Provide a report on activities to the membership at the AGM

11.5           – Act on behalf of the Committee

11.6           – Be a facilitator for club activities


The Secretary acts as the primary administrator for the club. The Secretary carries out or oversees administrative duties on behalf of the committee. The secretary has an essential role within the club, with close involvement in the general running of the club. The secretary and his/her assistant provide the main point of contact for people within and outside the club. The secretary will have a close working relationship with the chairman.

11.7           – record attendance and minutes of all meetings in writing and disseminate information for the committee

11.8           – carry out the decisions of the meeting and write any letter made necessary by such decisions

11.9           – keep a complete and up to date list of members and addresses

11.10       – to answer and deal with all correspondence

11.11       – call committee meetings and in consultation with the chairman draw up the agenda for the meeting

11.12       – where it is practicable send out the agenda for committee meetings to the members prior to the meeting

11.13       – record minutes of any A.G.M. or E.G.M. held

11.14       – Circulate minutes of committee meetings to members


The club treasurer is responsible to the club committee. The treasurer maintains a record of all financial transactions undertaken by the club and alongside the committee ensures the clubs financial well-being.

11.15       – keeping up to date records of all financial transactions

11.16       – prompt payment of all invoices ensuring the club gets a reputation for honesty and reliability

11.17       – reporting regularly to the committee on the financial position of the club

11.18       – preparing a year end statement of accounts

11.19       – arranging for a statement of accounts to be audited

11.20       – presenting an end of year financial report to the A.G.M.


Communications officer/PRO:

Communication is the practice of managing the flow of information between Wicklow Rovers AFC and the public through various channels, representing the image and reputation of our club in a positive manner:

11.21       – present the club in a positive manner

11.22       – Liaise with club committee, officers & officials to ensure that all key events, news and initiatives can be communicated

11.23       – publicise club activities such as games, open days, training sessions, player recruitment drives, fundraising efforts, selection of players for representatives teams etc

11.24       – Submit fixture lists, scores and match reports where possible

11.25       – maintain club website and social media channels

11.26       – devise and implement opportunities to promote the club

Membership Officer:

11.27       – Ensure all fees are paid in accordance with section 9.7

11.28       – Ensure/enforce that no player can train or play unless their current membership fees are paid

11.29       – update/report to the committee on what fees are paid/outstanding


Child Liaison Officer:


11.30       – To promote the FAI’s code of ethics and good practice

11.31       – To influence policy and practice and to prioritise childrens needs

11.32       – To ensure that children know how and whom they can report their concerns to within the club. Information disclosed by a child should be dealt with in accordance with the department of health and childrens guidelines “children first”

11.33       – to encourage the participation of parents/guardians in club activities

11.34       – to co-operate with parents to ensure that each child enjoys his/her participation in soccer

11.35       – to act as a resource with regard to best practise in childrens soccer

11.36       – to report regularly to the club committee


Finance & Fundraising Team:


The fundraising team is to consist of a fundraising leader, club officers and committee members. The fundraising section is responsible for the management of the following:

-          Ground adverts

-          Sponsorship

-          Flag day

-          Collections

-          Draws

-          Projects and fundraising events



-          The trustees shall be elected at the club A.G.M and each shall hold office until removed from office at a general meeting of the club.

-          All freehold and leasehold property should be vested in not less than five (5) and not more than fifteen (15) trustees.

-          The trustees of the club shall deal with the assets of the club as decided by resolution of the committee of which an entry in the minute book of the committee meeting shall be sufficient evidence.

-          Every Trustee, officer or member of a committee shall be indemnified out of the assets of the club for all acts properly carried out by him/her in the pursuance of his/her duties on behalf of the club.


12.   Duties of Managers

12.1           – Team Managers are responsible for their own team affairs

12.2           – Ensure his/her team and players obey the rules of the club

12.3           - Managers can only select players who are fully paid up members of the club

12.4           – organise transport for all games and the appointed time for training and games

12.5           – when called upon attend managers meetings with the committee

12.6           – Ensure that all players, assistants managers training or playing with his/her team are current members of the club

12.7           – Ensure all players pay their registration fees via the club on line registration facility on the club website or alternatively to the club membership officer

12.8           – report on team games and team news to club communications officer/PRO

12.9           – Report results to the relevant leagues and club personnel

12.10       – Garda vetting: All club team managers/coaches/assistants working with all children within the club from 4 years old through to 18 years old must be fully Garda Vetted and must provide a copy of their Garda Vetting approval letter to the club to hold on record/for our files. The Garda vetting approval must be for working with children in soccer through the FAI approved Portal. Failure to provide this letter may lead to disciplinary sanctions being imposed up to & including dismissal from your voluntary role with the within the team/teams. As all sports clubs are legally obligated to ensure all their volunteers working with children have current/up to date Garda Vetting.

*** All issues regarding applying for Garda Vetting approval can be administered by our Child Liaison Officer. Contact details can be found on our club’s website : www.wicklowrovers.com or by contacting any committee member***


13.   Duties of Players:


13.1           – all team matters are the responsibility of the Manager and players must attend for        games, training etc as appointed

13.2           – all players who sign for Wicklow Rover AFC must abide by the rules of the club

13.3           – players are to pay registration fees as determined by the committee

13.4           – Managers can only select players who are fully paid up members of the club

13.5           – Players are responsible for all fines, appeals etc incurred by them

13.6           – Players when playing, training or travelling to/from games are representing the club

13.7           – All players representing the club must always behave courteous and disciplined especially towards their team manager and assistants, officers of the club, Fellow team members, referees, opposing team members, officers of the league &  supporters

13.8           – Players must at all times respect club property and property of other clubs and leave it in the condition they got it

13.9           – Players must not cause any damage whatsoever to any third party property



14.   Schoolboy/Girl teams Open training/session  -  Coach Manager Guidelines

The guidelines below are for all organising participants in Wicklow Rovers AFC Soccer Club open training/session each year. The following is to aid the smooth operation of the open training/session and should be adhered to at all times:

i)                    Players names from the previous season should be made available to the organisers running each individual open training/session.  e.g. List of last seasons squad, which squad/team they were with, players date of birth etc

ii)                  A Minimum of 16 players should be selected per squad for all 11-a-side teams, if sufficient numbers allow. Minimum of 14 players should be selected for all 9-a-side teams and Minimum of 12 players selected for all 5,6 & 7 aside teams, again where numbers allow

iii)                 Players must not be informed that they have been selected for a team until all open training/sessions in the age group has been completed. Squads in each age group must be finalised through a selection process involving all managers in that age group

iv)                 After the selection process has been finalised by the managers of each age groups training , players must be notified on the same night as to what team they have been selected to play for.

v)                  If any player cannot attend an open training/open session they should inform the managers/coaches organising the session, or any committee member and explain if they wish to be considered for selection in their absence.

vi)                 Existing managers/coaches must make it known within 3 weeks at the end of each season whether they wish to continue in their role for the next season or if they wish to step down from that position. This gives the club executive committee time to consider each position for the coming season or to find a replacement if necessary through the application/selection process.

vii)               All squad lists should be presented to the executive committee at the end of the selection process and before players are informed, so the executive committee can check if the selected players who played the previous season were fully paid up members for that season

viii)             During the selection process, a players ability and commitment to soccer and the club should be taken into account by all managers/coaches in order to promote equality & performance within their own development areas etc

ix)                 All players – we must have parents name, address, email, contact number and all must be stored in clubhouse/on file (underage players only)


15.   Club Managers/Coaches/Assistants – Guidelines


i)                    All persons wishing to obtain roles as team managers/coaches/assistants within the club must do so by completing a manager/coach application form. This application form may be obtained through any current club executive committee member and it may be completed and submitted by hand or post to any current club executive committee member.

ii)                  After receipt of a completed application form, an interview panel will be convened from the current club executive committee and an informal interview be conducted to ensure the club’s goals are fully understood and agreed upon, while ensuring the applicant is given the opportunity to discuss what they wish to achieve. A decision will be made shortly after each interview and all applicants will be notified of it.

**** applies to new managers only or in the case of multiple applicants****

iii)                 All managers/coaches/assistants will be selected on but not limited to experience, achievements, interaction during the interview process and individual skill sets without prejudice and where possible. All selection decisions made by the current club executive committee will be final and always for the best interests of the club and its members.

iv)                 All Managers/coaches/assistants must adhere to all club policies and guidelines at all times. Any teams selection issues, such as players wanting to play with one particular team only or refusing to play for another team in the club, will be dealt with according to club policy, which is based on each player signing for the club at their own age level and playing for whatever team selected at their age level.

The only exception to this rule is if both managers plus parents are in total agreement to transfer the player from one team to another but within its own age group.

v)                  It is not within the clubs team managers/coaches/assistants/ remit to insist a player can only be selected for that particular team, nor is it within the clubs players remit to decide to do so. It is the club’s policy to ensure the team deemed to be the 1st or A Team will have their manager select the players he/she deems best equipped for a 1st team duty on any particular week of a match. Selection will be based on certain criteria such as injury/suspension to other selected players, training participation and team formation for any particular match etc.

vi)                 Any player within the club who fails to turn out for the team he was selected for on three (3) consecutive occasions will be deemed to be in breach of club guidelines and the three-step disciplinary process will be invoked with the player/s involved.

vii)               Junior team managers/coaches/assistants MUST field players from their own team at all times. If a junior team manager/coach/assistant requested and was permitted to use players from another team within the club to help fulfil a fixture, they must ensure their own squad players are played first. Their own squad must be played according to the required times as set forth on the SFAI player development plan guidelines for each particular age group, The club will not permit ANY exception to this rule.


viii)        If for any given fixture that a team is short players for that fixture they can request

permission to utilise players from teams the year below provided they have the             consent of the manager of the player(s) whom they require to fulfil the fixture. Secondly consent of the parent is also required.  If neither the manager or parent gives consent to allow the player participate in the said fixture, then under no circumstance will the club consent to this player participating in the fixture. Failing to adhere to this rule will result in disciplinary measures that will be at the discretion of the executive committee.


IX)                All training sessions to take place in designated areas only. No training is to take place outside these areas unless consent from the committee.


16.   Disciplinary Guidelines

Wicklow Rovers AFC, hereinafter called “The Club” , and all the Club’s members or those acting on behalf of the Club, will adhere to the following disciplinary guidelines where appropriate and necessary:

Disciplinary procedures: 

All managers/coaches/assistants, players and committee members must conduct themselves appropriately at all times when representing the club in all club matters internally or externally. Failure to follow this procedure can lead to a three(3) step sanction process:

1)      A meeting with the committee to discuss & correct the inappropriate behaviour

2)      A verbal caution from the committee as to future conduct

3)      A final caution from the committee to inform the club person of a pending or possible sanction

Right of Appeal:

A member of the club will have the Right of Appeal in all disciplinary matters pertaining to them. The Club will have a Disciplinary Committee who will convene & adjudicate during a right of appeal hearing on disciplinary sanctions imposed. The committee will be randomly chosen on a case by case basis to ensure impartiality and will consist of a three (3) person panel selected from the Club’s Executive Committee. However , the Disciplinary Committee chosen to discuss a particular case will be the same appointees throughout that particular case. Each individual or group/team must submit a written right of appeal request to the Executive Committee within seven (7) days of receiving their verbal or final caution.

No disciplinary action can be taken by any individual member of the club. All matter pertaining to discipline must be discussed within the executive committee before any decision is reached.

Disciplinary Fines/Walkover fees:

All team players, to include managers, coaches, assistants etc representing the club receiving fines or suspensions (with fines included) will have to pay all their own personal fines to the relevant clubs/authorities/leagues etc for disciplinary actions to include, but not limited to:

i)                    Being sent off the field of play for foul and abusive language or inappropriate actions (to include bullying, intimidation, discrimination)

ii)                  Violence or threatened violence on or off the field of play within the confines of the sports grounds where the match takes place

iii)                 Fines or suspensions imposed by the club for inappropriate or disrespectful behaviour at any time while representing the club, subject to the right of appeal

iv)                 No team must allow a walkover to be given to another team where a fine will be accrued from the league our team is playing under. If a walkover is given by any team within the club, the fine will have to be paid by the team. The club does not condone walkovers and will not be responsible for a teams failure to fulfil fixtures.

17.   Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Harassment Guidelines


It is Wicklow Rovers AFC (hereinafter called “The Club)’s policy to provide a supportive environment where all Club members and those acting on behalf of the Club have the right to be free from all forms of bullying, harassment and sexual harassment.


All Members and those acting on behalf of the Club will be expected to comply with this policy and the committee will take appropriate measures to ensure that bullying, harassment and sexual harassment do not occur. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against any Member who violates this policy.


The committee will deal with complaints of bullying or harassment in line with this policy. All complaints of bullying/harassment will be taken seriously. Complaints will be treated confidentially, fairly, sensitively and with respect for all parties concerned. 


What is Bullying?


Bullying is repeated inappropriate behaviour, direct or indirect, whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another or others, at the place of work and/or in the course of employment which could reasonably be regarded as undermining an individual’s right to dignity at work. An isolated incident of the behaviour described in this definition may be an affront to dignity at work, but as a once-off incident is not to be considered as bullying.


Examples of Bullying – by way of example only, a pattern of any of the following (non-exhaustive) list of instances would amount to bullying:


Exclusion with negative consequences;
Verbal abuse/insults or physical abuse;
Being treated less favourably than colleagues;
Excessive monitoring of work;
Manipulating a person’s job content and targets;
Unfair delegation of duties and responsibilities;
Setting impossible deadlines; and
Unjustified criticism and sarcasm.

The following are examples of behaviour which do not amount to bullying:


Legitimate instructions to perform a task(s).
Disciplinary measure in connection with effective performance management of employees.
Constructive and proportionate criticism; and 
Action taken in furtherance of the safety, health and welfare of employees.

What is Harassment?


Harassment is defined as any form of unwanted conduct related to any of the nine discriminatory grounds protected by the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2007 which has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity and creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for any person.  The discriminatory grounds are as follows; gender, marital status, age, race, religion, disability, family status, sexual orientation and membership of the Travelling Community. Such unwanted conduct could take the form of actions, requests, spoken words, gestures or the production, display, circulation of written words, pictures or other material. This can include faxes, emails or text messages.


What is Sexual Harassment?


Sexual harassment is any form of unwanted verbal, non-verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature that has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity and creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the person. Such unwanted conduct could take the form of actions, requests, spoken words, gestures or the production, display, circulation of written words, pictures or other material. This can include faxes, emails or text messages.


What can you do if you are being bullied or harassed or sexually harassed?


If you think you are being bullied or harassed or sexually harassed this should be reported as soon as possible and in any case, not later than 6 months after the occurrence of the first incident or behaviour on which the belief is based. This timeframe applies to complaints made under the formal and informal procedure (see below).




All complaints of bullying, harassment and sexual harassment will be treated seriously and will take into consideration the sensitivities of the person making the complaint and the rights of the person against whom the complaint is made.  The Club will endeavour to solve the problem informally at first, but if that is not possible the formal procedure will be adopted. 


Informal Procedure


If an incident occurs which offends you it should be raised with the committee who will make every effort to resolve the problem informally as quickly as possible. It may be sufficient to explain clearly to the person engaging in such behaviour that it is unacceptable. 
If the informal procedure is not possible or appropriate, or does not lead to a resolution of the problem, then you should follow the formal procedure.

Formal Procedure


A formal complaint should be made to the committee.
This must be in writing outlining the nature of the complaint.
The complaint will be handled through mediation or through an investigation.
If the complaint is suitable for mediation and the parties agree, a mediator will be nominated. The mediator will help the parties come to a solution which is agreeable to both.
If the mediation fails or if the mediator thinks that the matter is not suitable for mediation, an investigation will be carried out by a manager who will set a timetable for investigation.
You will be interviewed. The alleged bully or harasser will also be interviewed.  This will take place in separate interviews. If necessary witnesses may also be interviewed. In such circumstances the importance of confidentiality will be emphasised.
The Club will make every effort to ensure that everyone involved will observe confidentiality while the complaint is being investigated.
The complainant and the alleged harasser or bully will have the right to be accompanied at all interviews by a friend or colleague. 
Both the complainant and the respondent will be given a fair opportunity to state their position in relation to the allegations made before any conclusions are reached or decisions made. 
At the conclusion of the investigation a full report will be prepared which will include the nature and details of the complaint, the response of the alleged bully or harasser, the results of the investigation and the conclusion. A copy will be provided to both the complainant and the alleged bully or harasser. The complainant and the respondent will have 10 days from the date on which the report is given to them in which to submit comments in writing on the report’s findings.

Action post investigation


If the complaint is upheld the disciplinary guidelines will take effect. 

Appeal Procedure


Where a complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of an investigation an application for a review can be made. 
This application must be made in writing and must state the reasons for the review within 14 days of the report being sent to the appellant
The appeal will be dealt with by a senior member of the committee or Disciplinary Committee who was not involved in the initial investigation. 
The appeal will focus only on the aspect(s) of the case stated by the appellant as grounding his/her appeal and will not be a full reinvestigation of the allegations. 



Every Club member is responsible for his or her own behaviour and is expected and required to behave in an acceptable manner and in accordance with this policy.  If you believe that you are subject to bullying, harassment or sexual harassment you must make it plain to the person or persons involved at an early stage that the behaviour is unacceptable to you and that if it is not stopped, you will invoke the complaint procedure. If you would find it difficult to confront the person complained of directly, you should seek support and assistance from the committee. In the event that you believe yourself to be subjected to continued harassment, or any form of discrimination, it is your personal responsibility to utilise the complaints procedure at the time the problem occurs.  


This policy will be reviewed regularly and will be updated to reflect our experiences in implementing it, any relevant changes and any external factors that we consider relevant. Suggestions are encouraged as to how any aspect of this policy can be improved and /or how bullying and harassment can be better prevented or dealt with by us. 


18.   Social Media Policy

Wicklow Rovers AFC understands that the use of social media helps promote football within Wicklow Rovers AFC and in the sport of Association Football. The policy outlines the standards the club requires when using social media:

i)                    Who is covered by the policy?

The policy is applicable to all individuals working/volunteering/playing/supporting/connected within Wicklow Rovers AFC.


ii)                  The Reason for Social Media Policy:

a)       The policy is established to ensure the interests of all individuals participating in football and using social media forums are protected.

b)      Breach of the policy may be dealt with using disciplinary measures set out by the clubs executive committee

c)       The policy is approved by the executive committee who will consider proposals for additions/amendments when required.


iii)                Using Social Media:

a)       You are responsible for your conduct when using any form of Social Media.

b)      Do not post any content belonging to a third party unless you have their prior consent. Example: don’t discuss colleagues, players, competitions, coaches etc, without prior approval.

c)       Do not engage with irate players, parents or coaches on a public forum.

d)      If you are unsure about something you are about to post, then you should not do it.

e)      No personal details should be posted on Social media without permission.


iv)                Under 18 Members:

All clubs members under the age of 18 years will be required to have their parents complete and submit a Wicklow Rovers AFC Social Media Consent form granting the club permission to post photos in connection with Wicklow Rovers AFC on our social media forums. If at any time, the child or parent/guardian wishes images or their details be removed from Wicklow Rovers AFC Social Media pages the administrators should be contacted as per the FAI Social Media Policy. This information should be removed within 7 days.


19.   Club Shop

Any player/coach or individual to contact the appropriate person in relation to club gear.  Jako will take no orders from anyone other than the appropriate person in charge of club gear. Full details can be found on www.wicklowrovers.com or Wicklow rover club gear facebook page.

20.   Dissolution


20.1           – A resolution to dissolve the club shall only be proposed at a General Meeting and shall be carried by a majority of at least three quarters of the members present

20.2           – The dissolution shall take effect from the date of the resolution and the members of the club committee shall be responsible for the winding up of the assets and liabilities of the club

20.3           – If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the club there remains satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities and property whatsoever, the sum shall be transferred to some other organisation/organisations having objects similar to the objects of the club, such organisation/organisations to be determined by members of the club by resolution passed at a general meeting or in the absence of such a resolution (or to that extent to which it cannot be given effect) to the association which the club is affiliated.

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